"CHEE YOKE PING NENNA!you crazy biatch! jus look at all your retarded pics (except the nice ones of us lol) no wonder ppl think u r a crazy woman. What happen to you MIA for so long? We were missing a tissue paper supplier and bag bitch to carry our stuff for us lol... nenna nenna quite so contrary, soon going to be holding the passport of ANOTHER COUNTRY. Better not say too much wait a certain missy will start saying bad stuff about you. But she can suck balls la cuz you is our biatch and we will protect u haha. UNHOLY TRINITY's designated bag biatch nenna shall not suffer from the indignities of having mud slung at her. ONLY WE CAN DO THAT LOL.
We need to UPGRADE U NENNA. Manolo Blahniks, Jimmy Choos, Cartier, Givenchy, Chanel, SKII, Elizabeth Arden.. UPGRADE U! (Don't say LV cuz that's for AH LIANS)
Nenna is from the block, but don't be fooled by the rocks that she's got (they're all pebbles actually) that she's lugging in her nonsense handbags. We need to get u a FENDI to outclass that biatch. Time to get yourself a better idol cuz CLAY IS CRAP.
Please hide your pads in your bag properly so you don't end up dropping them all over the place like when we went to JB for that day trip. You ah... must upclass you and upstyle you so can show u off as the Unholy Trinity's Designated Bag Bitch. Think you too strong already from all that squash training.
La Simonina and I will be watching you hor so pls remain contactable otherwise we will ask le choops to pay you a visit. Going to become teacher, cannot behave so crazy anymore... stop letting down your hair to shake like a mad biatch very unglam you know. Cannot mould the future of our nation until they become lidat also.
Ok i think i have finished saying what i wanna say. DUN TRY TO RUN FROM US cuz we will catch you like a little hamster and feed u to the NTU undergrad. LOL kidding la."
- well, THAT was dear Meng's testimonial. I STARTED LUFFING TIL I ALMOST FELL OFF THE BED LA CAN?! i am their bag bitch, and will always BE! YAY. seriously.
anyway, i really dont understand how to make peace with her when there's nothing to make peace about in the first place!
results have been..satisfactory, considering that this semester was hell for everyone. i have never memorised LIKE THAT IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. I SWEAR. but, OK LA...
i really would not have made it through without my mugging khakis, namely rf, cm, and kp. they motivated me la seriously. without them i would have DIED REALLY BADLY.
and to la simonina, luke AUDEMARS anthony a.k.a meng and le choops a.k.a. GYM RAT, I MISS YOU ALL SOOO SOOO MUCH. MUAHS MUAHS MUAHS. ok dats quite sick.
anyway, NUS piano ensemble was EXCELLENT la. i was in awe of how their hands ran ever so lightly across the piano keys, making delightful music pleasant to the ears. there was a piece where there were 4 pianists on 2 grand pianos, SO IN TOTAL THERE WERE 8 HANDS! my goodnesss!
and there was a cello player and a violinist. very very pro.
yes la, update more later, time to scoooottt!